[PART 2] Latihan Soal Bahasa Inggris Reading - Tes Kerja BUMN CPNS

Latihan bahasa inggris bagian reading

Nomor 1.


The most familiar speleothems (from the Greek word spelion for cave and thema
for deposit), the decorative dripstone features found in caves, are stalacties and
stalagmites, Stalacties hang downward from ceiling of the cave and are formed as
drop after drop of water slowly trickles through cracks in the cave roof. Stalagmites
grow upward from the floor of the cave, generally as a result of water dripping from
an overhead stalactite. A colomn forms when stalactite and a stalagmite grow until
they join . A “curtain” of “drapery” begins to form on an inclined ceiling when drops
of water trickle along a slope.

Natural openings on the surface that lead to caves are called sinkholes, or
swallow holes. Streams sometimes disappear down these holes and flow through
the cavern. Rivers may flow from one mountain to another through a series of
caves. Some caverns have sinkholes in thier floors. Water often build up a rim of
dripstone around the edge of the hole. Dripping water often contains dissolved
minerals as well as acid. These minerals too will be deposited; and they may give
rich coloring to the deposits. If minerals in the water change, layers of different
colors may be formed.

The information in the passage is most relevant to which feld of study?

A. Geograpy

B. Archaeology

C. Physics

D. Geology

E. Antrophology

Pembahasan Jawaban: D
Soal ini menanyakan informasi di bacaan tersebut sangat relevan
dengan bidang ilmu apa. Dibacaan ini tidak disebutkan tentang
ilmu yang berkaitan dengan bacaan di atas artinya kita harus
menjawab menggunakan penalaran kita bahwa ilmu yang
berhubungan dengan studi bebatuan adalah geologi. Jadi
jawabannya adalah geologi.

Opsi A (Salah)

Geograpi adalah ilmu tentang kenampakan bumi, bukan hanya

Opsi B (Salah)

Arkeologi adalah ilmu tentang peradaban kuno dan

Opsi C (Salah)

Fisika adalah ilmu tentang energi dan zat

Opsi D (Benar)
Geologi adalah ilmu tentang terbentuknya bebatuan

Opsi E (Salah)

Antropologi adalah ilmu tentang asal usul manusia dan budaya

Materi Reading

Nomor 2.

Soal When you think of “currency,” you are probably thinking of the cash you hand over at a
store, or the credit cards or money transfers that can be used in place of physical money. In
general, currency is a system of money backed by a government. Typically made up of
coins and paper notes, currency is a medium of exchange, meaning that it is the basis for
various kinds of trade and transactions. As technology has grown more sophisticated, digital
currencies (which have no physical form) have grown as more financial transactions have
gone online. Digital currency is simply a payment method that does not exist outside of its
electronic form.

Within the past decade, a new particularly popular kind of digital currency has emerged:
cryptocurrency. Although this new system is unlikely to replace the more traditional forms
of currency any time soon, it has made a significant impact in less than 10 years.

The prefix “crypto” originally comes from the Greek word meaning “hidden.” This does
not mean that cryptocurrency is secret, but rather that this “hidden” money is digital, and is
kept secure with digital-code encryption. These digital currencies are the heart of systems
that allow secure, direct payment for online transactions. “Crypto-” actually refers to the
cryptographic data encryption that keeps the transactions protected from hackers or other
digital eyes. It also makes cryptocurrency difficult to counterfeit.

Cryptocurrency has gained popularity because it offers a straightforward way to transfer
funds entirely online, without involving third parties like banks or credit card companies
(and paying the fees they often charge for processing transactions). Instead of physical coins
or paper notes, cryptocurrencies have digital “tokens,” or different digital denominations
(think of one- or five-dollar bill, etc.). For example, one bitcoin is equivalent to 100,000,000
satoshis, the smallest denomination of a bitcoin and named for bitcoin’s supposed inventor,
Satoshi Nakamoto. This enables transactions smaller than a full coin. The transfer of funds
involves “public” and “private” keys, which are lines of code that need to match on both
sides, so the transaction can be completed. Cryptocurrency is saved in the user’s “wallet,” or
a URL or internet account address that can only be accessed by the owner. The wallet has a
public key, and the private key is used to sign a transaction, much like you would sign a
check or a credit card slip.

According to the passage, how can people execute money transfer in cryptocurrency?
A. by a check or a credit card slip obtained online
B. by public and private key that can be accessed
C. by a internet account address that is open to public
D. by saving the private key used to sign a transaction
E. by using wallet authorized by public and private codes

Pembahasan Jawaban: E. by using wallet authorized by public and private codes

Arti soal: “Berdasarkan teks, bagaimana orang-orang dapat melakukan
transfer uang menggunkana mata uang crypto?”
Untuk menjawab soal ini, kita perlu membaca cepat teks untuk
menemukan bagian yang menjelaskan tentang bagaimana proses transfer
uang menggunakan mata uang crypto. Adapun hal tersebut dibahas dalam
paragaf 4, kalimat 5-7 berikut:
“The transfer of funds involves “public” and “private” keys, which are
lines of code that need to match on both sides, so the transaction can be
completed. Cryptocurrency is saved in the user’s “wallet,” or a URL or
internet account address that can only be accessed by the owner. The
wallet has a public key, and the private key is used to sign a transaction,
much like you would sign a check or a credit card slip.”

“Transfer uang melibatkan kunci “publik” dan “pribadi” yang merupakan
baris kode yang harus cocok di kedua sisi, sehingga transaksi dapat
diselesaikan. Mata uang crypto disimpan dalam “dompet” pengguna, atau
URL atau alamat akun internet yang hanya dapat diakses oleh
pemiliknya. Dompet ini memiliki kunci public, dan kunci pribadi yang
digunakan untuk menandatangani transaksi, sama seperti menandatangi
cek atau slip kartu kredit.”

Maka, dapat disimpulkan bahwa transfer uang dalam mata uang crypto
dapat dilakukan dengan menggunkan dompet yang diautorisasi
(disahkan) oleh kode public dan pribadi.

Opsi A (salah)
Artinya: “dengan cek atau slip kartu kredit yang diperoleh secara online.”
Opsi A salah karena tidak sesuai dengan teks.
Opsi B (salah)
Artinya: “dengan kunci public dan pribadi yang dapat diakses.” Opsi B
salah karena tidak sesuai dengan teks.
Opsi C (salah)
Artinya: “dengan alamat akun internet yang terbuka untuk umum.” Opsi
C salah karena tidak sesuai dengan teks.
Opsi D (salah)
Artinya: “dengan menyimpan kunci pribadi yang digunakan untuk
menandatangani transaksi.” Opsi D salah karena tidak sesuai dengan teks.
Opsi E (BENAR)
Artinya: “dengan menggunakan dompet yang disahkan oleh kode public
dan pribadi.” Opsi E benar karena sesuai dengan teks.

Materi Reading

Nomor 3.

Soal How Do You Tell the Difference Between Total, Annular, Solar, and Lunar Eclipses?
1) Eclipses, celestial phenomena of profound fascination and scientific inquiry, are
categorized primarily into two principal types: solar and lunar. Solar eclipses manifest when
the Moon interposes itself between the Earth and the Sun, thereby casting a transient
shadow upon the Earth's surface. Conversely, lunar eclipses occur when the Earth passes
betwixt the Sun and the Moon, leading to the projection of the Earth's shadow onto the lunar
2) The taxonomy of solar eclipses delineates between total and annular varieties. Total solar
eclipses transpire when the Moon entirely obscures the solar disk, engendering a remarkable
spectacle of darkness and corona. Conversely, annular solar eclipses manifest when the
Moon, positioned at a greater distance from Earth due to the elliptical nature of its orbit,
appears smaller than the Sun, resulting in a striking annulus, or "ring of fire," encircling the
lunar silhouette.
3) The absence of annular lunar eclipses is attributed to the vast discrepancy in size between
Earth and the Moon, precluding the formation of a diminutive shadow capable of
delineating such a ring. Nonetheless, the Moon encounters total lunar eclipses, traversing
the umbral shadow cast by Earth over the course of several hours. During this captivating
event, the Moon often assumes a ruddy hue, owing to the refraction of longer wavelengths
of light through Earth's atmosphere, a phenomenon colloquially referred to as the "blood
4) Partial eclipses, both solar and lunar, represent intermediate configurations, wherein only
a fraction of the celestial bodies' disks are obscured. The occurrence of partial solar eclipses
hinges upon the observer's geographical location, with viewers situated within the
penumbral region witnessing a reduction in solar luminance. Similarly, partial lunar eclipses
arise when the Moon traverses solely a segment of Earth's umbral or penumbral shadows,
though discerning penumbral lunar eclipses proves challenging due to their subtle
5) Total solar eclipses, while occurring approximately every 18 months somewhere on the
globe, present a relatively rare spectacle for any specific terrestrial locale, transpiring only
once every few centuries on average. Conversely, solar eclipses, inclusive of both total and
annular varieties, manifest with greater frequency, transpiring every five to six months on a
global scale. Lunar eclipses, occurring at a rate of approximately once per annum per
geographic location, enjoy more regularity in their occurrence due to the Moon's ubiquitous
visibility across the night side of Earth.
6) In summary, the intricate interplay of celestial mechanics and orbital dynamics underpins
the diverse manifestations of solar and lunar eclipses, imbuing these celestial events with a
sense of wonderment and scientific inquiry that has captivated humanity throughout the
What will happen when a total solar eclipse occur?
A) During a total solar eclipse, widespread darkness envelops the Earth, accompanied by
significant tidal fluctuations leading to the formation of large oceanic waves.
B) Total solar eclipses happen when the Moon fully blocks the Sun's disk, casting darkness
over various regions, including parts of Europe.
C) During a total solar eclipse, the Moon completely covers the Sun's disk, creating an
extraordinary spectacle characterized by darkness and the appearance of the solar corona.
D) The Moon, situated farther from Earth because of its elliptical orbit, appears smaller than
the Sun during an annular solar eclipse, creating a remarkable ring-like effect known as the
"ring of fire" around the lunar outline.

Pembahasan A) Selama gerhana matahari total, kegelapan meluas meliputi Bumi,
disertai dengan fluktuasi pasang surut yang signifikan yang mengarah

pada pembentukan gelombang laut yang besar.
Pilihan ini tidak akurat. Selama gerhana matahari total, meskipun ada
penurunan cahaya, tidak ada kegelapan total di seluruh Bumi. Fluktuasi
pasang surut juga tidak selalu signifikan selama gerhana matahari.
B) Gerhana matahari total terjadi ketika Bulan sepenuhnya menutupi
cakram Matahari, menyebabkan kegelapan di berbagai wilayah, termasuk
bagian Eropa.
Pilihan ini juga tidak akurat. Keterangan tersebut tidak sesuai dengan
deskripsi yang benar tentang gerhana matahari total. Selama gerhana
matahari total, kegelapan yang terjadi biasanya terbatas pada jalur sempit
yang disebut jalur totalitas, dan tidak mencakup seluruh Bumi.
C) Selama gerhana matahari total, Bulan sepenuhnya menutupi cakram
Matahari, menciptakan pertunjukan luar biasa yang ditandai oleh
kegelapan dan munculnya korona matahari.
Ini adalah jawaban yang benar. Selama gerhana matahari total, Bulan
sepenuhnya menutupi cakram Matahari, menciptakan kegelapan yang
dramatis di sekitar wilayah yang berada di jalur totalitas. Fenomena ini
memungkinkan kita untuk melihat korona Matahari, yang biasanya
tersembunyi oleh cahaya terang Matahari.
D) Bulan, yang terletak lebih jauh dari Bumi karena orbitnya yang elips,
tampak lebih kecil dari Matahari selama gerhana matahari annular,
menciptakan efek cincin yang luar biasa yang dikenal sebagai "ring of
fire" di sekitar siluet Bulan.
Pilihan ini menggambarkan gerhana matahari annular, bukan gerhana
matahari total. Selama gerhana matahari annular, Bulan tampak lebih
kecil dari Matahari dan menciptakan cincin cahaya di sekitar tepi bulan,
yang dikenal sebagai "ring of fire."
Jadi jawaban yang benar adalah C).

Materi Reading

Nomor 4.

Soal Reading
The first mechanism establishes a relationship between the phase of the heartbeat and
conscious experience. In a regular rhythm, the heart contracts in the so-called systolic phase
and pumps blood into the body. In a second phase, the diastolic phase, the blood flows back
and the heart fills up again. In a previous publication from the MPI CBS, it was reported
that perception of external stimuli changes with the heartbeat. In systole, we are less likely
to detect a weak electric stimulus in the finger compared to diastole.
Now, in a new study, Esra Al and colleagues have found the reason for this change in
perception: Brain activity is changing over the heart cycle. In systole a specific component
of brain activity, which is associated with consciousness, the so called P300-component is
suppressed. In other words, it seems that -- in systole -- the brain makes sure that certain
information is kept out of conscious experience. The brain seems to take into account the
pulse which floods the body in systole and predicts that pulse-associated bodily changes are
"not real" but rather due to the pulse. Normally, this helps us to not be constantly disturbed
by our pulse. However, when it comes to weak stimuli which coincide with systole we
might miss them, although they are real.
During their investigations on heart-brain interactions, Al and colleagues also revealed a
second effect of heartbeat on perception: If a person's brain shows a higher response to the
heartbeat, the processing of the stimulus in the brain is attenuated -- the person detects the
stimulus less. "This seems to be a result of directing our attention between external

environmental signals and internal bodily signals.," explains study author Al. In other
words, a large heartbeat-evoked potential seems to reflect a "state of mind," in which we are
more focused on the functioning of our inner organs such as the blood circulation, however
less aware of stimuli from the outside world.
` The results not only have implications for our understanding of heart-brain interactions in
healthy persons, but also in patients. The senior author, Arno Villringer explains, "The new
results might help to explain why patients after stroke often suffer from cardiac problems
and why patients with cardiac disease often have impaired cognitive function."
The researchers investigated these relationships by sending weak electrical stimuli to
electrodes clamped onto the study participants fingers. In parallel, they recorded each
participants' brain processes using an EEG and their cardiac activity using an EKG.
(Adapted from https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2020/04/200428131707.htm)
In a new study, Esra Al and colleagues found the reason, they said The Brain activity is
changing over the heart cycle.
A. Yes
B. No
C. Not Given

Pembahasan Jawaban : A. Yes
Pembahasan :
Perhatikan paragraph kedua pada kalimat berikut “in a new study, Esra Al
and colleagues have found the reason for this change in perception: Brain
activity is changing over the heart cycle.”
Pada soal Pola kalimat dirubah kedalam pola simple past. Dimana awal
pola kalimat pada teks tersebut adalah present perferct. Kemudian,
penambahan kata ganti they untuk Esra dan Colleagues dan kata kerja say
bentuk kedua/past tense yaitu said.
- Opsi B salah, karena pernyataan tersebut masih memiliki makna yang
sama dengan teks tersebut.
- Opsi C salah, karena pernyataan tersebut jelas ada dan dijelaskan pada
teks tersebut

Materi Reading

Nomor 5.

Soal How Do You Tell the Difference Between Total, Annular, Solar, and Lunar Eclipses?
1) Eclipses, celestial phenomena of profound fascination and scientific inquiry, are
categorized primarily into two principal types: solar and lunar. Solar eclipses manifest when
the Moon interposes itself between the Earth and the Sun, thereby casting a transient
shadow upon the Earth's surface. Conversely, lunar eclipses occur when the Earth passes
betwixt the Sun and the Moon, leading to the projection of the Earth's shadow onto the lunar
2) The taxonomy of solar eclipses delineates between total and annular varieties. Total solar
eclipses transpire when the Moon entirely obscures the solar disk, engendering a remarkable
spectacle of darkness and corona. Conversely, annular solar eclipses manifest when the
Moon, positioned at a greater distance from Earth due to the elliptical nature of its orbit,

appears smaller than the Sun, resulting in a striking annulus, or "ring of fire," encircling the
lunar silhouette.
3) The absence of annular lunar eclipses is attributed to the vast discrepancy in size between
Earth and the Moon, precluding the formation of a diminutive shadow capable of
delineating such a ring. Nonetheless, the Moon encounters total lunar eclipses, traversing
the umbral shadow cast by Earth over the course of several hours. During this captivating
event, the Moon often assumes a ruddy hue, owing to the refraction of longer wavelengths
of light through Earth's atmosphere, a phenomenon colloquially referred to as the "blood
4) Partial eclipses, both solar and lunar, represent intermediate configurations, wherein only
a fraction of the celestial bodies' disks are obscured. The occurrence of partial solar eclipses
hinges upon the observer's geographical location, with viewers situated within the
penumbral region witnessing a reduction in solar luminance. Similarly, partial lunar eclipses
arise when the Moon traverses solely a segment of Earth's umbral or penumbral shadows,
though discerning penumbral lunar eclipses proves challenging due to their subtle
5) Total solar eclipses, while occurring approximately every 18 months somewhere on the
globe, present a relatively rare spectacle for any specific terrestrial locale, transpiring only
once every few centuries on average. Conversely, solar eclipses, inclusive of both total and
annular varieties, manifest with greater frequency, transpiring every five to six months on a
global scale. Lunar eclipses, occurring at a rate of approximately once per annum per
geographic location, enjoy more regularity in their occurrence due to the Moon's ubiquitous
visibility across the night side of Earth.
6) In summary, the intricate interplay of celestial mechanics and orbital dynamics underpins
the diverse manifestations of solar and lunar eclipses, imbuing these celestial events with a
sense of wonderment and scientific inquiry that has captivated humanity throughout the
Based on the information given above, what is the difference between solar and lunar
eclipses in general?
A) Solar eclipses occur when the Moon blocks the Sun's light from reaching Earth, casting a
shadow while Lunar eclipses happen when Earth's shadow falls on the Moon.
B) A solar eclipse occurs when the sun covers the earth's surface, while a lunar eclipse
occurs when the moon covers the sun.
C) Both eclipses manifest when the alignment of the Earth, Moon, and Sun converges in
parallel orientation, engendering celestial phenomena of profound intrigue and scientific
D) The divergence between the two eclipses rests in their timing: solar eclipses manifest
during daylight hours, often in the morning, whereas lunar eclipses grace the night sky with
their presence.

Pembahasan A) Solar eclipses occur when the Moon blocks the Sun's light from
reaching Earth, casting a shadow, while Lunar eclipses happen when
Earth's shadow falls on the Moon.
Pada pilihan ini, dijelaskan bahwa gerhana matahari terjadi ketika Bulan
menghalangi cahaya Matahari untuk mencapai Bumi, sehingga
menciptakan bayangan, sedangkan gerhana bulan terjadi ketika bayangan
Bumi jatuh pada Bulan.
B) A solar eclipse occurs when the sun covers the earth's surface, while a
lunar eclipse occurs when the moon covers the sun.
Pilihan ini salah karena deskripsinya membalik antara gerhana matahari
dan bulan. Seharusnya, gerhana matahari terjadi ketika Bulan menutupi

Matahari, sedangkan gerhana bulan terjadi ketika bayangan Bumi
menutupi Bulan.
C) Both eclipses manifest when the alignment of the Earth, Moon, and
Sun converges in parallel orientation, engendering celestial phenomena
of profound intrigue and scientific significance.
Pilihan ini salah karena deskripsinya menyatakan bahwa kedua gerhana
terjadi ketika perletakan Bumi, Bulan, dan Matahari sejajar, tanpa
memberikan perbedaan spesifik antara gerhana matahari dan bulan.
D) The divergence between the two eclipses rests in their timing: solar
eclipses manifest during daylight hours, often in the morning, whereas
lunar eclipses grace the night sky with their presence.
Pilihan ini salah karena deskripsinya hanya mengacu pada perbedaan
waktu terjadinya gerhana matahari dan bulan, bukan perbedaan mendasar
dalam fenomena tersebut.
Maka jawabannya adalah A) Solar eclipses occur when the Moon blocks
the Sun's light from reaching Earth, casting a shadow, while Lunar
eclipses happen when Earth's shadow falls on the Moon

Materi Reading

Nomor 6.

Soal When you think of “currency,” you are probably thinking of the cash you hand over at a
store, or the credit cards or money transfers that can be used in place of physical money. In
general, currency is a system of money backed by a government. Typically made up of
coins and paper notes, currency is a medium of exchange, meaning that it is the basis for
various kinds of trade and transactions. As technology has grown more sophisticated, digital
currencies (which have no physical form) have grown as more financial transactions have
gone online. Digital currency is simply a payment method that does not exist outside of its
electronic form.

Within the past decade, a new particularly popular kind of digital currency has emerged:
cryptocurrency. Although this new system is unlikely to replace the more traditional forms
of currency any time soon, it has made a significant impact in less than 10 years.

The prefix “crypto” originally comes from the Greek word meaning “hidden.” This does
not mean that cryptocurrency is secret, but rather that this “hidden” money is digital, and is
kept secure with digital-code encryption. These digital currencies are the heart of systems
that allow secure, direct payment for online transactions. “Crypto-” actually refers to the
cryptographic data encryption that keeps the transactions protected from hackers or other
digital eyes. It also makes cryptocurrency difficult to counterfeit.

Cryptocurrency has gained popularity because it offers a straightforward way to transfer
funds entirely online, without involving third parties like banks or credit card companies
(and paying the fees they often charge for processing transactions). Instead of physical coins
or paper notes, cryptocurrencies have digital “tokens,” or different digital denominations
(think of one- or five-dollar bill, etc.). For example, one bitcoin is equivalent to 100,000,000
satoshis, the smallest denomination of a bitcoin and named for bitcoin’s supposed inventor,
Satoshi Nakamoto. This enables transactions smaller than a full coin. The transfer of funds
involves “public” and “private” keys, which are lines of code that need to match on both
sides, so the transaction can be completed. Cryptocurrency is saved in the user’s “wallet,” or
a URL or internet account address that can only be accessed by the owner. The wallet has a
public key, and the private key is used to sign a transaction, much like you would sign a
check or a credit card slip.

source: https://education.nationalgeographic.org/resource/digital-currency

According to the passage, what is the advantages of using cryptocurrency?
A. It enables direct, cost-free money transfers without intermediaries
B. It provides an entirely straightforward way to do money transactions
C. It involves third parties in processing transactions to keep security
D. It uses third parties to handle payments in order to maintain security
E. It does not charge any fees for online purchases through a third party

Pembahasan Jawaban: A. It enables direct, cost-free money transfers without
Arti soal: “Berdasarkan teks, apa keunggulan dari menggunakan mata
uang crypto?”
Untuk menjawab soal ini, kita perlu membaca cepat teks untuk
menemukan bagian yang menjelaskan tentang keuntungan menggunakan
mata uang crypto. Adapun hal tersebut dibahas dalam paragraf 4, kalimat
1 berikut:
“Cryptocurrency has gained popularity because it offers a
straightforward way to transfer funds entirely online, without involving
third parties like banks or credit card companies (and paying the fees
they often charge for processing transactions).”
“Mata uang crypto telah mendapatkan popularitas karena menawarkan
cara langsung untuk mentransfer dana sepenuhnya secara online, tanpa
melibatkan pihak ketiga seperti bank atau perusahaan kartu kredit (dan
membayar biaya yang sering dikenakan untuk proses transaksi).”

Maka, dapat disimpulkan bahwa keunggulan mata uang crypto adalah
menawarkan cara transfer uang langsung secara online dan tanpa biaya.

Opsi A (BENAR)
Artinya: “Mata uang crypto memungkinkan pengiriman uang langsung
tanpa biaya dan pihak ketiga.” Opsi A benar karena merupakan
keuntungan menggunakan mata uang crypto yang sesuai dengan teks.
Opsi B (salah)
Artinya: “Mata uang crypto menyediakan cara yang sepenuhnya mudah
untuk melakukan transaksi keuangan.” Opsi B salah karena bukan
merupakan keuntungan menggunakan mata uang crypto yang sesuai
dengan teks.
Opsi C (salah)
Artinya: “Mata uang crypto melibatkan pihak ketiga dalam memproses
transaksi untuk menjaga keamanan.” Opsi C salah karena bukan

merupakan keuntungan menggunakan mata uang crypto yang sesuai
dengan teks.
Opsi D (salah)
Artinya: “Mata uang crypto menggunakan pihak ketiga untuk menangani
pembayaran untuk menjaga keamanan.” Opsi D salah karena bukan
merupakan keuntungan menggunakan mata uang crypto yang sesuai
dengan teks.
Opsi E (salah)
Artinya: “Mata uang crypto tidak mengenakan biaya apapun untuk
pembelian online melalui pihak ketiga.” Opsi E salah karena bukan
merupakan keuntungan menggunakan mata uang crypto yang sesuai
dengan teks.

Materi Reading

Nomor 7.

Soal Reading
The first mechanism establishes a relationship between the phase of the heartbeat and
conscious experience. In a regular rhythm, the heart contracts in the so-called systolic phase
and pumps blood into the body. In a second phase, the diastolic phase, the blood flows back
and the heart fills up again. In a previous publication from the MPI CBS, it was reported
that perception of external stimuli changes with the heartbeat. In systole, we are less likely
to detect a weak electric stimulus in the finger compared to diastole.
Now, in a new study, Esra Al and colleagues have found the reason for this change in
perception: Brain activity is changing over the heart cycle. In systole a specific component
of brain activity, which is associated with consciousness, the so called P300-component is
suppressed. In other words, it seems that -- in systole -- the brain makes sure that certain
information is kept out of conscious experience. The brain seems to take into account the
pulse which floods the body in systole and predicts that pulse-associated bodily changes are
"not real" but rather due to the pulse. Normally, this helps us to not be constantly disturbed
by our pulse. However, when it comes to weak stimuli which coincide with systole we
might miss them, although they are real.
During their investigations on heart-brain interactions, Al and colleagues also revealed a
second effect of heartbeat on perception: If a person's brain shows a higher response to the
heartbeat, the processing of the stimulus in the brain is attenuated -- the person detects the
stimulus less. "This seems to be a result of directing our attention between external
environmental signals and internal bodily signals.," explains study author Al. In other
words, a large heartbeat-evoked potential seems to reflect a "state of mind," in which we are
more focused on the functioning of our inner organs such as the blood circulation, however
less aware of stimuli from the outside world.
` The results not only have implications for our understanding of heart-brain interactions in
healthy persons, but also in patients. The senior author, Arno Villringer explains, "The new
results might help to explain why patients after stroke often suffer from cardiac problems
and why patients with cardiac disease often have impaired cognitive function."
The researchers investigated these relationships by sending weak electrical stimuli to
electrodes clamped onto the study participants fingers. In parallel, they recorded each
participants' brain processes using an EEG and their cardiac activity using an EKG.
(Adapted from https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2020/04/200428131707.htm)
In a publication previously, The MPI CBS was reported that perception of external stimuli
changes with the heartbeat.

A. Yes
B. No
C. Not Given

Pembahasan Jawaban : A. Yes
Pembahasan :
Perhatikan paragraph kesatu pada kalimat berikut “In a previous
publication from the MPI CBS, it was reported that perception of external
stimuli changes with the heartbeat.”
Pada pernyataan disoal tersebut bisa kita perhatikan bahwa pernyataan
disoal merubah posisi kalimat, pada phrase In a previous publication, kata
previous dirubah menjadi adverb (previously) kemudian disimpan setelah
kata publication. Kata ganti it diubah menjadi subjek yang sebenarnya
yaitu MPI CBS.
- Opsi B salah, karena pernyataan tersebut masih memiliki makna yang
sama dengan teks tersebut.
- Opsi C salah, karena pernyataan tersebut jelas ada dan dijelaskan pada
teks tersebut.

Materi Reading

Nomor 8.

Soal How Do You Tell the Difference Between Total, Annular, Solar, and Lunar Eclipses?
1) Eclipses, celestial phenomena of profound fascination and scientific inquiry, are
categorized primarily into two principal types: solar and lunar. Solar eclipses manifest when
the Moon interposes itself between the Earth and the Sun, thereby casting a transient
shadow upon the Earth's surface. Conversely, lunar eclipses occur when the Earth passes
betwixt the Sun and the Moon, leading to the projection of the Earth's shadow onto the lunar
2) The taxonomy of solar eclipses delineates between total and annular varieties. Total solar
eclipses transpire when the Moon entirely obscures the solar disk, engendering a remarkable
spectacle of darkness and corona. Conversely, annular solar eclipses manifest when the
Moon, positioned at a greater distance from Earth due to the elliptical nature of its orbit,
appears smaller than the Sun, resulting in a striking annulus, or "ring of fire," encircling the
lunar silhouette.
3) The absence of annular lunar eclipses is attributed to the vast discrepancy in size between
Earth and the Moon, precluding the formation of a diminutive shadow capable of
delineating such a ring. Nonetheless, the Moon encounters total lunar eclipses, traversing
the umbral shadow cast by Earth over the course of several hours. During this captivating
event, the Moon often assumes a ruddy hue, owing to the refraction of longer wavelengths
of light through Earth's atmosphere, a phenomenon colloquially referred to as the "blood
4) Partial eclipses, both solar and lunar, represent intermediate configurations, wherein only
a fraction of the celestial bodies' disks are obscured. The occurrence of partial solar eclipses
hinges upon the observer's geographical location, with viewers situated within the
penumbral region witnessing a reduction in solar luminance. Similarly, partial lunar eclipses
arise when the Moon traverses solely a segment of Earth's umbral or penumbral shadows,
though discerning penumbral lunar eclipses proves challenging due to their subtle

5) Total solar eclipses, while occurring approximately every 18 months somewhere on the
globe, present a relatively rare spectacle for any specific terrestrial locale, transpiring only
once every few centuries on average. Conversely, solar eclipses, inclusive of both total and
annular varieties, manifest with greater frequency, transpiring every five to six months on a
global scale. Lunar eclipses, occurring at a rate of approximately once per annum per
geographic location, enjoy more regularity in their occurrence due to the Moon's ubiquitous
visibility across the night side of Earth.
6) In summary, the intricate interplay of celestial mechanics and orbital dynamics underpins
the diverse manifestations of solar and lunar eclipses, imbuing these celestial events with a
sense of wonderment and scientific inquiry that has captivated humanity throughout the
According to the passage above, all of the statements below are true. Except!
A) Solar eclipses happen when the Moon blocks the Sun's light, while lunar eclipses occur
when Earth's shadow falls on the Moon.
B) The intricate dynamics of celestial mechanics underpin the occurrence of eclipses,
inspiring curiosity and scientific inquiry over time.
C) Lunar eclipses are more frequent, happening approximately once per annum per
geographic location.
D) Total solar eclipses are relatively frequent events, happening on a global scale about
every 18 months.

Pembahasan A) Gerhana matahari terjadi ketika Bulan menghalangi cahaya Matahari,
sedangkan gerhana bulan terjadi ketika bayangan Bumi jatuh pada Bulan.
Pernyataan ini sesuai dengan informasi dalam teks. Gerhana matahari
terjadi ketika Bulan berada di antara Bumi dan Matahari, menghasilkan
bayangan sementara di permukaan Bumi. Sedangkan gerhana bulan
terjadi ketika Bumi berada di antara Matahari dan Bulan, menyebabkan
proyeksi bayangan Bumi pada permukaan Bulan.
B) Dinamika mekanika langit yang rumit mendasari terjadinya gerhana,
menginspirasi rasa ingin tahu dan penyelidikan ilmiah dari waktu ke
Pernyataan ini sesuai dengan informasi dalam teks. Dinamika mekanika
langit yang kompleks menjadi dasar dari terjadinya gerhana,
membangkitkan rasa ingin tahu dan penelitian ilmiah dari waktu ke
C) Gerhana bulan lebih sering terjadi, terjadi kira-kira sekali setiap tahun
per lokasi geografis.
Pernyataan ini Benar, pilihan C adalah pernyataan yang benar
berdasarkan teks. Gerhana bulan memang lebih sering terjadi, terjadi
kira-kira sekali per tahun per lokasi geografis, seperti yang dijelaskan
dalam teks.
D) Gerhana matahari total adalah peristiwa yang relatif sering terjadi,
terjadi di seluruh dunia sekitar setiap 18 bulan.
Pernyataan ini tidak benar. Menurut teks, gerhana matahari total terjadi
sekitar setiap 18 bulan di suatu tempat di dunia, namun tidak terjadi
sering di satu lokasi tertentu. Gerhana matahari total adalah peristiwa
yang relatif langka untuk lokasi tertentu di Bumi, terjadi hanya sekali
setiap beberapa abad.
Maka jawabannya adalah D)

Materi Reading

Nomor 9.

Soal The most familiar speleothems (from the Greek word spelion for cave and thema for
deposit), the decorative dripstone features found in caves, are stalacties and stalagmites,
Stalacties hang downward from ceiling of the cave and are formed as drop after drop of
water slowly trickles through cracks in the cave roof. Stalagmites grow upward from the
floor of the cave, generally as a result of water dripping from an overhead stalactite. A
colomn forms when stalactite and a stalagmite grow until they join . A “curtain” of
“drapery” begins to form on an inclined ceiling when drops of water trickle along a slope.

Natural openings on the surface that lead to caves are called sinkholes, or swallow holes.
Streams sometimes disappear down these holes and flow through the cavern. Rivers may
flow from one mountain to another through a series of caves. Some caverns have sinkholes
in thier floors. Water often build up a rim of dripstone around the edge of the hole. Dripping
water often contains dissolved minerals as well as acid. These minerals too will be
deposited; and they may give rich coloring to the deposits. If minerals in the water change,
layers of different colors may be formed.

Which of the following are NOT caused by dripping water?
A. Stalagmites
B. Stalactices
C. Sinkholes
D. Curtains
E. Slope

Pembahasan Jawaban: E
Soal ini menanyakan pernyataan yang mana yang bukan disebabkan oleh
tetesan air? Jawabannya adalah slope karena dia tidak disebabkan oleh air
Opsi A (Salah)
Stalagmit terbentuk dari tetesan air
Opsi B (Salah)
Karena stalaktit juga terbentuk dari jatuhan air
Opsi C (Salah)
Sinkholes juga terbentuk dari air
Opsi D (Salah)
Curtains juga terbentuk dari air
Opsi E (Benar)
Slope bukan terbentuk dari tetesan air tetapi merupakan bagian dari gua

Materi Reading

Nomor 10.

Soal Art Restoration: Beyond Canvas
1) Mount Everest is commonly acknowledged as the world's highest mountain, boasting an
elevation of over 29,000 feet (approximately 8,850 meters) above sea level.
2) However, other mountains lay claim to being the tallest when measured from different
vantage points. For instance, Chimborazo in Ecuador has been proposed as the tallest peak
when measured from Earth's center. Despite its elevation of more than 20,000 feet (6,000
meters), which falls short of Everest, its location near the Equator where the Earth bulges
results in it being roughly 6,800 feet (around 2,070 meters) higher above Earth's center than
Everest. Ultimately, Chimborazo extends nearly 4,000 miles (approximately 6,400
kilometers) above the Earth's center.
3) In terms of sheer height from base to summit, Hawaii's Mauna Kea surpasses Everest by
a significant margin, reaching about 33,500 feet (approximately 10,210 meters). However,
when measured from sea level, it stands at only around 13,800 feet (about 4,200 meters).
In the third paragraph, what does the underlined word “it” refers to ?
A) Everest
B) A significant margin
C) Sea level
D) Mauna Kea

Pembahasan A) Everest: Everest adalah subjek kalimat, tetapi "it" tidak merujuk
kembali ke Everest dalam konteks ini. Kalimat tersebut membahas
Mauna Kea, bukan Everest.
B) Sebuah perbedaan yang signifikan: "It" tidak merujuk kembali ke
"sebuah perbedaan yang signifikan" dalam konteks ini. "Sebuah
perbedaan yang signifikan" adalah frasa deskriptif, bukan subjek kalimat.
C) Permukaan laut: "It" tidak merujuk kembali ke "permukaan laut"
dalam konteks ini. "Permukaan laut" adalah bagian dari perbandingan
yang dibuat dalam kalimat, tetapi "it" tidak merujuk khusus ke frasa ini.
D) Mauna Kea: Ini adalah jawaban yang benar. Dalam kalimat tersebut,
"it" merujuk kembali ke Mauna Kea, yang merupakan subjek yang
dibahas. Kalimat tersebut sedang membandingkan tinggi Mauna Kea dari
dasar hingga puncak dengan tingginya ketika diukur dari permukaan laut.
Oleh karena itu, "it" merujuk kepada Mauna Kea.

Materi Reading